Network Marketing After 6 Months.. What Income Looks Like with Auto Pilot MLM
Now the reason we selected six months time frame is that no one should ever think they can start a business and have a steady income in just a day or week.
Our estimated number of people in six months is 64 or more total people under you in your downline. This will be generating volume each month at 8,000+ in business volume based on 64 people. Network marketing using a binary weekly pay plan pulls a percentage of your volume from each leg, you have two. A weak leg
and a strong leg that the volume is pulled from. The strong legs takes 2/3 and weak leg 1/3 to balance out checks.
YES this generates checks.... As the two volumes meet a check requirement it processes until the two are exhaust. Also at this level you will have meet bonuses for the month starting at $250. Once you hit 10,000 in business volume in a cycle you will get a $1,000 bonus check and be in the 10k CLUB which increases your commissions. Many reach this level in or on the 7th month or business cycle. Our business cycles are every 4 weeks or 13 in a year.
Now the start up cost with shipping is $218 (+tax if applicable) and each month your qualifying purchase of about $158 (+tax if applicable) to a) keep your volume unused from month to month and b) be eligible for the weekly binary checks. Updated 3/2022